
Knows as “kovcheg”
It is the middle absorbed field in the icon's board in icon painting.
Sometimes it can be double, with a recessed inner ark.
Knows as „assist“
Assist or Inakop
a) rays and glare, which are made with gold or silver and which are component illustration of clothes, hair, etc. It symbolizes the presence of Divine light.
b) Adhesive composition for the gluing gold, with the form of a thick sticky mass of dark brown color, which is made by slops of beer and garlic garlic by heating in an oven to the desired state. When used, it is diluted with water so, that it was possible to hold a brush very thin lines. Gold keeps very well and does not lose its luster on the assiste.
Before faces painting
Кnows as „Dolichnoe pismo“
In icon-painting - methods of images of garments and of other elements of the icon, except of open parts of the body and faces.
Blackening (knows as „Chernenie”)
Drying Oil
Drying Oil - (knows as "Olifa")
Faces painting
(knows as „Lichnoe pismo“ in icon-painting) - images receptions faces, hands and other exposed parts of the body.
Final highlights

(knows as “ozhivki”) Bleach highlights, laid on top of ohrenie(multi-layered application of tempera paints) in a personal letter. May take the form of smears, spots, lines, etc
Fryazhskoe” iconpainting, fryaz (from old Russian language - "fryazhsky" is Italian, "fryazi" – are the Italians, from the Greek. φραγκος - Franc) - the name of the icon painting style , different by external credibility in the transfer of the material world. Fryazhskaya manner of icon painting appears in Russia in the second half of the XVII century under the influence of the Western art.
(knows as „Lefkas“) - (Greek λευκος - bright, shiny, white) - it the name of the priming in icon-painting, which is a chalky powder, and which is mixed with the animal or fish glue. It is put on several layers of specially prepared board. Once dry, it is grinded.
Gold leaf
Thinnest sheets of gold or silver for gilding (gilding works).
Scratched drawing. In-depth line, describing the outline of the picture,which are scratched on the surface of the priming (plaster or lefkas).
Inverted perspective
A characteristic way for icon painting to represent the object at which the furthest objects from the viewer are represented by large, in comparison with the closest objects.
A small bevel in the icon’s board between the field and the ark, or between the first and the second ark.A shallow angled edge.
Melted gold (grinded gold)
Grinded gold or silver to the powder, which is used as a paint.
Mother of God of Kazan
According to the records of the contemporary Patriarch Hermogenes (at the time the priest of the Gostinodvorskaya church of Kazan - Yermolay), after the fire in Kazan in 1579, which has destroyed part of the city, the Mother of God appeared in the dream of a nine-year old Matrona, and ordered to dig out her icon from the ashes.The icon was indeed found in the specified location at a depth of one meter.The appearance day of the Kazan Icon - July 8, according to the Julian calendar - in our days the general church festival in the Russian Church. At the place where was the appearance of the icon, was built nunnery of the Mother of God, and the first nun became the Matron, who has adopted the name - Mavra. Iconographic the icon of Mother of God of Kazan is usually referred to an abbreviated version of the Hodegetria. The Mother of God is depicted in the typical garb, with a slight inclination of the head of the Child. The infant Christ is presented strictly full-face, the figure is limited to the waist,only the right hand with the blessing gesture is visible. The Mother of God of Kazan, of our research, - one of the most revered and most reproducible icon of all icons in Russia.